Price list

Canoe Linder 525 with 2 lifejackets, 2 paddles, map and packning bag or Canoe Linder 495 with 2 lifejackets, 2 paddles, map and packing bag and packing bag.
  • 1/2 day – 450 SEK (within the area of Naturum)
  • 1 day – 550 SEK
  • 2 days – 900 SEK
  • 3 days – 1 200 SEK
  • 4 days – 1 500 SEK
In Canoe Linder 525 you can be either 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 children (total 400 kilos incl. luggage) however when renting one canoe an extra fee for additional seats and lifejackets will be added, see prices below.

  • Additional seat for Linder 525 – adult 50 SEK/day, child 25 SEK/day
  • Additional lifejacket – adult 50 SEK/day, child 25 SEK/day
  • Additional paddle – 25 SEK/day
  • Canoe cart – 100 SEK/day
  • Portable stove – 50 SEK/day
  • Sleeping pad – 25 SEK/day
  • Packing bag – 25 SEK/day
  • Plastic packing barrel – 50 SEK/day

All transports outside the area of Naturum counts as 1 day excursion.

Depending on where you choose to start and finish, when renting one canoe, an additional fee will be added for dropping off or picking up outside the area of Naturum. When renting two or more canoes, free transport is offered within Vattenriket.

An additional fee will always be added when choosing to start or finish further away, for instance in Raslången.

Other examples on where to start and finish:
  • Drop off and pick up at Bökestad Sågmölla by the lake Raslången (2x700 SEK) (with the possibility to stay over in a windbreak) – total 1 400 SEK

Guided tour when canoeing in Raslången – 400 SEK/hour

Cash or Swish